Freya you’re my female Jordan Peterson lol

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Haha aw thank you Alannah! What a compliment

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Idk. I’m female and I definitely feel like Jordan Petersen helped me a lot. His advice is universal!

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We have instead the Based British Women - Nina Power, Mary Harrington and Louise Perry, now joined by Freya India, the fourth musketeer or whatever the modern female equivalent is.

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The interview is probably the best I've ever seen on the Internet. Given that I'm a 70+ year old boomer, it's wonderful to hear two young people talking such good sense that I couldn't disagree with a word of it (and you know how picky we old 'uns are!)

You are the role models your generation needs.

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A female Jordan Peterson… need to ponder this one.

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Upon further consideration, I nominate Naomi Wolf as the closest thing we have to a female Jordan Peterson.

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She’s better than that I think 😂

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I'm having to watch the interview in short spurts because there is so much to take in. I want my two sons, aged 19 & 21, to understand the issues girls are dealing with because it affects them too. The point about online *being* the access point to real life for many young girls was a lightbulb moment. There will be many more as I continue watching, I am certain. Keep up the great work, Freya!

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Loved this episode with Chris, as someone left leaning, it’s grey to hear these conversations happening. As a yoga and movement and breathing therapist, I feel physiology is an underrated part of psychology and stress and mental health

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We need more people like you!

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Awww thanks ☺️. I work with people

of all ages and understanding the physiology of movement and breathing as well as understanding how infant development reflexes affects the nervous system and how these being active can have prevent people from being able to down regulate and actually cope with the emotions and I think for girls especially this is a major issue

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Look at you Freya, killing it so happy for you.

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Is that Marilyn Monroe in the picture behind you?

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It’s Debbie Harry! I’m a big fan of Blondie 😅

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Heart of glass is one of the best pop songs of all time, kind of ironic you like a band called Blondie, lol.

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Excellent interview. I shared it with numerous people. 🙏

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Thank you so much!

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You're very welcome. 🤗

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Fascinating talk, you’re a natural podcaster

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Listened to this episode and sending love from Australia 🦘🌏. I am also on the older side of gen z and the points hit home. Deleted social media in January and never regretted it. Our gen is too online and im slowly extracting myself from that world. I'm encouraging friends to do the same. Internet brings out the division in us and in person I think we all realize we have a lot more in common than we think ☺️

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I watched this YouTube episode and this is how I signed up. I have pre-teen daughters the conversation was a wake up call.

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Social Media.

I am a 60 something, dating for the first time in 40 years. The use of text/phones to maintain a relationship has been doing my head in in a way I never thought possible. The anxiety!!! And I am sane and balanced. Put a 16 year old girl in my place, with an equally immature and careless male interlocutor. The result is meltdown. It really isn't rocket science/ brain surgery.

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Freya, you have addressed the therapy issue aptly. It was something that was nagging at me that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Very nice interview.

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I though you were good, I did not realise that young women were as messed up as young men.

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Thanks Freya, really enjoyed your interview. I hope the pendulum is starting to swing back with this stuff, Haidt's new book next week will generate more thought and coverage too. Your signing off with "I don't have other social media because it's awful" was solid gold.

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Thank you so much for this - as a mental health professional, working primarily with teenagers, I see what you describe on a daily basis and your analysis is spot on. Unfortunately, there aren't many of us in this line of work who think like that - and that is a major part of the problem.

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