AI girlfriends aren't competition for the type of guys that the vast majority of women want, they are a consolation prize for the vast majority of guys that women are disinterested in.

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This is hilarious. Are you aware that 80% of dating app users are MEN? And that most men on dating apps can't get a single date? And that most women on dating apps are seeking a 6'+ white handsome fit 25 year old guy with perfect hair and a $100,000 job?

If anything this might improve the situation by balancing things out. Women's expectations have been ridiculous for years. Don't believe me? Make a dating app profile as an average 5'8" Indian/Asian guy and tell me how many dates you can set up.

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What if men get too high standards ? It is their rights to have high standards. Women can either accept them or accept to be alone. Men don't owe women a relationship and if women cannot compete with an IA, it tells you a lot about how little women bring in a relationship. When men complain about women's high standards, they are called incel, what makes you think women complaining about men's standard should not be called femcel ?

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Maybe it's only because of my age, but I don't understand this concept of "virtual women." Yeah, I grew up in a time when we neighborhood lads all knew where secret stashes of Playboy books were hidden. I went to go go bars with the guys, although I didn't really like them, any more than the "meat market" clubs. I just don't see how the most perfect (whatever the hell THAT means) virtual woman is even a comparison to a real one. Interacting with the most plain Jane real woman is a blast. Sans any sexual contact or even flirting. And touch, that real contact with another human being? I just can't wrap my mind around this whole concept. And I'm very glad that I can't.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

This article makes you sound like an incel. Here's the thing, you don't get to control men's preferences, because you are not entitled to men's attention or resources. I could write a very long comment pointing out the many double standards in this article.

Here's one example... you framed men as having 'unrealistic emotional standards' by wanting a girlfriend who is 'shy, modest, considerate.' But I don't know of a woman that wouldn't have far more emotional standards for men. And then, when men don't meet those standards, they are shamed all over the internet for being 'emotionally stunted' and 'toxically masculine.'

My point is, if any of you women want a future with men, then you'll have to start treating them as human. There's no other way around it. You can start with reprimanding women's movements and organizations to actually address the vast deficits in negative rights for men and boys (fyi, these are the reasons why I stopped dating and having sex in 2016 when I was just 20 years old):

Right to Life (murder, torture, bodily/genital mutilation)

- non-consensual prepuce amputation (circumcision)

- forced prepuce defusion (pre-pubescent foreskin retraction)

- forced military conscription w/ransomed voting rights

- no right to self-defense against women's domestic violence

Criminal & Civil Courts

- prejudicial administration of the law:

-- far higher rates of arrest, charges/prosecution, conviction, incarceration, and registration of males for the same crimes; and lower rates for both male and female perpetrators when victims are male.

-- far longer lengths of male incarceration and registration for the same crimes; and shorter lengths for both male and female perpetrators when victims are male.

- privacy/anonymity for accuser and publicity for accused regarding sexual crime accusations; no comparable punishment for accuser or restitution for accused if proven to be fabricated.

- no statute of limitations (or decades-long periods at best) for accusations of sexual crimes.

- little/no protection from physical violence, sexual assault, or rape by a woman.

- automatically guilty w/no conviction, evidence, or charges required for domestic violence accusations.

Family/Domestic Courts

- reproductive rights:

-- pregnancy concealment (man is unaware he conceived).

-- pregnancy entrapment (fraudulent conception).

-- paternity deception (illegitimate conception).

- parental rights:

-- prohibited from financial abortion while having no legal say in preventing physical abortion.

-- no legal say in preventing adoption (in some states).

-- extreme child custody gap.

- property rights:

-- paternity fraud (the usual result of paternity deception).

-- extortionate child support, often for non-biological 'fathers.'

-- extortionate and protracted spousal support (alimony/palimony).

-- immediate, forced, and permanent eviction of man with total property transfer to woman after domestic violence accusations (via protracted restraining orders).

- due process:

-- prejudicial law and administration of the law; revolves around mother-worship.

-- presumed guilty of most charges and subject to double jeopardy for domestic violence accusations.

-- incarceration for men unable to fully pay child support (debtors' prisons – failure of limitations on contempt power).

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Always really enjoy your writing, and I think this is spot on. As a guy in my 20s I get these ads on almost every platform, including very mainstream ones like YouTube. I try and report them as harmful, but nothing changes.

Like you, I harbour hope that what to our parents was 'normal interaction' will become the interesting, even subversive option in a world of artifice. I also want to read more about what we can do in the interim if we want to live digitally connected, mainstream, perhaps urban and secular lives while hard-opting out of this level of human replacement by tech. I am not sure it's possible without forming exclusive communities (very extreme), but want to know how it could be achieved while keeping normal jobs and living in normal places while avoiding the 'temptation' to opt out of reality.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Freya India

This is a really interesting article. You made some very good points! Also, very disturbing. This AI bot be the perfect girlfriend is highly disturbing--in appearance and demeanor.

God, what are some these weird, creepy guy replies? Sorry you’re getting some of those.

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To be honest, I hope that men who want perfectly submissive little dolls without needs and opinions of their own do disappear into their internet corners and take themselves out of the dating pool of real women who have no interest in existing only to serve their man and validate him constantly. I am not worried about "competing" with AI girlfriends, because someone who would be interested in dating a bot over an actual, complex, challenging human being is not someone I want to date, and I do still have hope that people will eventually realise that these types of relationships, if you want to call it that, are ultimately unfulfilling.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Freya India

Describing Margot Robbie as "mid".


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Men are wired to provide for and protect, and women these days have not only been programed not to want that, they absolutely loathe the idea of such. So, men out of a job ...

Of course, women choosing Barbie over babies (beginning of the movie: smashing the baby dolls, encouraging girls to chose the impossible perfect imagery of a childless Barbie - and her creator is celebrated at the end as a liberator!) means there really is no one for men to provide for and protect. Most modern women want babies, if at all, only as something to do once they've achieved, "their best selves."

Congratulations ladies, in proving you don't need men - like fish don't need that bicycle - you've backed yourselves into a new world where men don't need you.

My suggestions: get out of the pajamas/leggings, put on a nice dress, act nice, practice the arts of caring (yes, cooking for someone is one of those arts), and stop competing with men, trying to defeat/best them. Do the above and you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you attract. Of course if you don't think you need to attract, you probably won't be very attractive. There are good men out there. And less than good men (they know it) who want to be good. But there's increasingly no need out there for good men. Right?

You do know that Barbie is modeled after a gag doll for German men (it's always the Germans), characterized as a risque sexy bodied and sex wanting young woman? And Helen Gurley Brown turned Cosmopolitan into a, "Sex Tricks!" magazine because her husband suggested they needed to make single women more willing to have sex with married men, right?

What with you outpacing men in college degrees, etc., just why DO you need men? If you ever did need them, pretty soon you won't at all. Success! Liberation at last! But, but ...

PS: I've got a good woman who's got a good man, me. Together we care for our relationship, and it is good. I tell kids, look for another with a servant's heart. And the way you attract those hearts is by having one of your own. It's really that simple.

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Authentic, emotional relationships carry risk of enormous pain when they don’t work out. Even when they do work out, it’s almost impossible for two people to maintain love and connection through the turbulence of life, such as children, finances, work, etc.

Why not go the robot way? You may not get the highs, but you avoided the lows. Why not?

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Possible that romantic chatbots will have the same audience as romance literature and AI boyfriends will end up bigger?

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I think it's totally unreasonable to expect AI girlfriends to actually catch on. AI Girlfriends will replace RL Online-Pals, not real-life girlfriends. We fight on twitter each day, instead you can ERP with your Replika girl.

Of course, I think it's WAY more likely that women will take to "AI Companions" who can readily offer the listening and consoling ear that so many want, without any desire for sex at inopportune times. Of course, they can Erotic Role Play with them at any time as well, but we don't need to talk about that.

It'll play out just like sex toys: Most men won't have any and those that do will be considered losers who can't get the real thing; meanwhile every woman will openly display her collection of sex toys and it'll be considered normal and natural for any renaissance woman.

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What’s interesting is that social progress (or more specifically, choice feminism coupled with sexual liberalization) combined with technological progress is having some extremely regressive effects on women, such as the hyper-prioritization of female beauty, sex appeal, and sexual competition. The problem is that the opposite--1950s social mores and Luddism--is not any more appealing. For women, it must feel as if the walls are caving in on all sides.

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So good Freya, girls need to know they are beautiful the way they are.

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“We Can't Compete With AI Girlfriends”

All you're doing is showing how little you understand men. As long as you can spread your legs and the AI can't, the AI will be unable to compete with you. Throw cooking a nice dinner into the mix and the AI may as well shut itself down. Simpering emotional intimacy and pixel-perfect appearance on a screen are ultimately irrelevant to any man who's not a virgin.

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